Part 3: Closed Room, Rigor Mortis, and Evidence, Evidence, Evidence
Part 2: Closed Room, Rigor Mortis, and Evidence, Evidence, EvidenceSSNeoman posted:
Detective Tyrell Badd

We know everything about the crime scene at this point, but lets investigate the door anyways.
Can we hit the dead body.
Im not going to deign that with a response.

One only tells the truth during the day, and the other only tells the truth at night. Now, which is Ik and which is Uk.
But only one is the USA.

Lets take the knife. Im sure Kouzou wont object, being dead and all.

On that note, its time to search every nook and cranny for clues. The magnifying glass, in this instance, allows us to investigate the room manually, picking up evidence that Badd or Yasu might not notice immediately.
In other words, its basically the examine function from Phoenix Wright, condensed into a somewhat grating format.
Examine Crotch

I believe the outline needs no explanation, as Kouzous body was found lying here. Dead, of course. Im still kind of baffled that theres not a drop of blood around the area.
Either strangulation, or Mr. Clean has turned into Hitman 47.
I have no idea what youre talking about.
Play more Hitman and watch more cleaning supplies commercials.

So instead, lets investigate the photo over here. At least, it looks like a photo.

Anyways, go ahead .and take the damn matchbox .

Despite looking like a photo, the object turned out to be an ashtray. Fancy that. Its like asking a bear the difference between a chestnut and a cherry tomato, and expecting a civil conversation to ensue.
You seem to know that from personal experience.
Yeah...since your brain represents the cherry tomato, right?
I hate you.

Although relatively unimportant, theres something in one of the books here.

Finally, we can snag Kouzous photo in the bottom-right corner of the drawer. Its a drab bit of 8-bit furniture, varnished with a sheened polish. From this, it can be determined that Kouzou has never heard of Raymond & Flanigans.

With the room fully pillaged, we are free to move on to the mansions living room. Hopefully, Kouzou wont be too peeved that we robbed his home.
This is reminding me of the last time I played Pathfinder.

Kouzou also needs to take a trip to the Dollar Store. That painting is oh-so incredibly tacky.
The Grinch died to make that couch.
Then the Grinch came in
And was simmered in two
His gore was designed
To a couch for Sue.
Jesus Christ.

We can actually take down the painting, but doing so right now is completely pointless. For now, lets investigate the bottom-right patch of floor underneath the table.

If theres one thing to be hated about in this game, its the pixel hunts. The game gives no indication that theres evidence in the room, forcing the player to comb the entire place over in order to make progress. Its utter bullshit, but thankfully, the game only pulls it a few times around the mansion.

Now that we have all the evidence we need, lets head back outside. Theres nothing left in this poorly-furnitured excuse of a mansion.

After another pixel-hunt, we find a ring near the bottom-right corner of the mansions front door. Worst comes to worst, we can pawn it off to the nearest, unsuspecting sod.
Note: suspect went to Jareds
Yes...Yes. The killer went to Jareds to get a nice lovely blood-diamond to go with the flesh-rending clothes he changed out of.
Dont judge people for their lifestyle, man.
I will judge.
Something Awful Guidelines posted:
We here on the Something Awful Forums are very elitist and strict assholes.

For the rest of the game, Yasu will utter that line for every piece of evidence we take.

Welp, thats it for the crime scene. I suppose its about time we introduced the Witness Committee to Yasus fist.

Welcome to the Police Station. This is going to be our main hub for the rest of the game, as well as the place where we can call witnesses and examine evidence in further detail.
Call Out is used to bring in a witness. Well be asking Fumie a couple of questions first.
Where is the Abuse Prisoners option?
Its the one Ill be using on you soon.
I will enjoy it.
And we have fulfilled our disturbing quota for the day. I hope youre happy.

But before we can haul her ass in, Yasu stops us with a report. Apparently, Hirata decided to take a hike to Kyoto. Gee, I wonder why

Anyways, I suppose its time to make someone cry. After all, Detective Tyrell Badd is only doing his job.

Next, lets ask about her alibi. Im sure nothing will come of it.

Is English conversation school even a thing? It sounds like a roundabout way of saying English College-Level course.
I like how she dyed one single hair in her bangs.
It was a shaving accident.

Lets see if her alibi holds up. Welcome to The Game of Life. You get three chances to determine whether or not Fumies alibi is plausible, and the first two dont count.
This is a game show now?
Nope. Two more guesses.
Deal or no deal?
Nope. One more guess.
(Investigate Someone can be used to determine a suspects alibi.)

Lets traumatize her even further by presenting the murder weapon.
Or we can propose to her with the ring.
We dont need more Femme Fatales than necessary.

If I learned that someone was going to murder me, Id run away as fast as I could, screaming into the night air.

We can attempt to take her photo and clothes, but doing the latter will only glean a horrified response from Yasu.
Id rather we do that.
So well take her photo.

We can also attempt to hit her. Unfortunately, Yasus a pansy and cant be bothered to hit a woman.

Choosing to Investigate Thing in the Police Station allows us to analyze evidence in further detail. With the exception of the photos, every piece of evidence in the game can be examined.
So, in order:
It says, Pal 117-3149.
The weapon was found gripped by the corpses right hand. Its also possible he took a stab at it himself, so to say.
Its a cheap-looking ring. I wonder who dropped it

Since Mr. Hirata is missing, and were saving Toshi or Yukiko for later, well wrap things up with Mr. Komiya.

Same thing with Komiya. Alibi goes first, then Kouzou comes next.

Since Komiya will respond like this to every question we ask him, we have no alternative

Its time to slap the hell out of an old man.


Hopefully, Komiya wont go into a nervous breakdown anymore. Lets see what he has to say about Kouzou.

Komiya also has a confirmed alibi. Unfortunately, we wont be seeing his head on a platter anytime soon.
We can still arrest him, though, right?
No, we cant. Unless hes been caught red-handed, we cant arrest him.

Since he doesnt have anything to say about evidence, all thats left is to snap his photo and make him strip.
Im sure you fantasize about this kind of stuff all the time.
Indeed. It usually involves you, too.

Take that shirt off.

Well, that was a waste of time. Lets go to a bar and get drunk.
Was Kouzou under enough distress as for him to take his own life ? Perhaps this case is a homicide, after all.
Mr. Komiya
If Kouzou were to die, Mr. Komiya would be left without a job. There doesnt seem to be a motive for him to kill Kouzou.
It doesnt seem like there was a motive for Fumie to kill Kouzou.
For next time, decide on our course of action:
1) Investigate Toshi
2) Investigate Yukiko
3) Look into Pal 117-3149